

  • 15/05/24 - 15/07/24

Monday-Tuesday – CLOSED

Wednesday-Friday – 11 AM to 3 PM

Saturday-Sunday – 12 PM to 3 PM


Markku Hakuri’s exhibition “House of Moments”

Art is a manual for existing in the world, the content of which is determined by the predestined connection of imagination and knowledge.  

A work of art is a message that becomes meaningful only when it is interpreted by an observer. 

A moment is the culmination of time. It is the event horizon of time, beyond which there is no return to the past, no access to the future. 

House of Moments is based on the idea of ​​a world built on experiences and events stored in memory and the narratives they comprise. Stories are the offspring of time and place. If time vanishes, so do the stories. 

My artistic work is always connected to social engagement. It means taking a stand within the visual and verbal information field that surrounds us. My artworks are also part of my life story, dives into the unpredictable mind.  The purpose and content of my works emerge during the creative process. I trust the experience created by the moment and the subconscious. My artworks are the archaeology of my mind. For me, art is always a process – not a product. 

The paintings, drawings and the installation featured in the exhibition are directly or indirectly related to my project 1095 days – Notes from the Draughtman’s Diary, created between 2016 and 2019, which was based on the everyday information of the Helsingin Sanomat newspaper. Every day for three years, I randomly selected a press photo and transformed it into a new drawing – the mental landscape of the artist, the story of the moment. This collection of drawings forms an image archive that continues to serve as a constant source of inspiration and material for new works. The large-scale mixed media works on plywood, the acrylic paintings on paper and the installations assembled from everyday materials are based on the archived sketches. The intense physical processing, experimentation with various materials and reworking of surfaces are strongly present in my artworks.  

Upstairs in the Gallery a video + sound world by Antti Hakuri 

Espoo 5th of March 2024

Markku Hakuri 

Markku Hakuri 

b. 1946 Helsinki 

address. Hans Westerlundin tie 5, 02780 Espoo

Art studies:

1971-72 University of the Arts 

1972-76 Finnish Academy of Fine Arts / painter 

Other studies: 1967-71 University of Helsinki, MA in political science 

Markku Hakuri has worked as a visual artist since 1976. 

Participations in numerous group and joint exhibitions both at home and abroad. 

Since 1977, 42 solo exhibitions. 

Public works in Helsinki, Espoo and Jyväskylä. 

Works in several public and private collections both in Finland and abroad. 

Recent solo exhibitions: 

2022 Kuntsi Museum of Modern Art, Vaasa (Hakuri/Weckman), Finland 

2021 Galleria Mältinranta, Tampere (Hakuri/Weckman), Finland 

2021 Galleria Joella, Turku (Hakuri/Weckman), Finland 

2021 Galerie ToolBox, Berlin, Germany 

2020 Imatra Art Museum, Imatra, Finland 

2019 Galleria Rankka, Helsinki, Finland 

2017 Gallery Lapinlahti, Helsinki, Finland 

2016 Art Chapel, Turku, Finland (

Hakuri has worked between 2000 and 2012 at Aalto University as a professor of environmental art and as a teacher both at home and abroad, for example: Theatre Academy, Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, Middlebury College (USA), E.S.A.G. (Paris, France), University of Porto (Portugal), Ringling College (Sarasota, USA), St Lucas Art University (Antwerp, Belgium), Tsinghua University (Beijing, China) 

In addition to his active career as an artist and teacher, Hakuri has designed numerous environmental artworks and worked as a set designer and visualizer at the Savonlinna Opera Festival, the Finnish National Opera, Helsinki City Theatre, etc. 

Latest productions: 

2021 Rintamamiestalo, Kuopio City Theater / 2018 Mr. Puntila and His ring Matti, Helsinki City Theater / 2016 The Power of Fate, Tampere Opera / 2015 One for desire and One for love, Tampere Labor Theater / 2014 Einstein’s Crime, Helsinki City Theater. 

Recognition and art awards:

2015 Aalto University, Pallas Athene award

2014 Antalis Design & Print Award Category Book of the Year III Award 

2009 Uusimaa Art Award / 1992 Espoo Culture Award 

Memberships: Association of Finnish Sculptors (honorary member) 

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